Jamcleat - Home Blatherings of C. Calvin


8 August 2006 Harry has taken to "kneading" as we call it. Kittens massage the teat with their paws. They use their their little needle claws to stimulate the Mom to produce more milk. Adult cats do this too and Harry is doing it big-time at bed-time. If I make sure that the comforter is between me and him it is mearly noisy. If he does it on my chest, it is painful. He gets this dreamy far away look in his eyes.

7 August 2006 - Just past a full moon and Harry decided not to come in. He stayed out all night although I did see him in the morning on my way to work. 31 July 2006- Harry, in typical Harry fashion will not come in tonight. I will probably regret it in the morning.

11 June 2006- Bullet had a baby rabbit last night. It was crying out in a pitiful way. Harry and Lorenzo went to see what the comotion was about.